Tuesday 10 December 2013

Strange Mania: Bruxomania

Bruxomania is a compulsion grinding of the teeth while the person is awake. With or without them realizing it, it becomes their habit thus resulting in damage to the teeth and may cause other oral complications.

Several factors were believed to be the main caused of bruxism and these are:

  • anxiety
  • stress
  • diet
  • sleeping habits.

How can it be treated:

Some of these may help avoid the accurance of bruxism.

  • Try to relax your jaw muscles at night by massaging it.
  • You can also apply a warm compress against your cheek in front of your earlobe.
  • Improve your diet by taking food that are rich in Vitamins C, Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium and Vitamin B5.

Monday 9 December 2013

Strange Obsessions: Onomatomania

Do you tend to repeat a particular word when you talk? Like, "ummm... ", "ammmm.. ", that's why", "and then", "if ever" well, these are just some of the examples. You may be talking and you may or may not be aware that you keep using a particular word whenever you communicate, science said that is in fact an obsession condition which is called ONOMATOMANIA

Onomatomania is actually an obsession with a particular word which the person uses repeatedly or which intrudes into consciousness

So now, everytime you talk or communicate via writing, and you noticed that you keep using a particular word, over and over and over again, then you are an onomatomaniac!